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Review - Mandy Woods - New Album 'Cabin Fever'

Review – Mandy Woods ‘Cabin Fever’

New Album Released Monday 22nd February 2021.

Bandcamp - https://mandywoodsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/cabin-fever

Glastonbury based singer and songwriter Mandy Woods releases her new album, aptly titled ‘Cabin Fever’ later this month, featuring fifteen songs recorded during Lockdown. A seasoned writer and performer in both Europe and America, Mandy Woods has spent most of her adult life giving in to wanderlust and crafting songs wherever she has happened to find herself on her unconventional journey, many of them telling stories - about the ups and downs of relationships, about her own and other people's struggles and quests, and about the myriad other twists of fate that have inspired her imagination.

The title track Cabin Fever opens the album telling the story of being confined inside with a loved one which is appropriate for a Lockdown which is followed by the gentle My Second Hand Heart with beautiful harmonica backing. This whole album has an Americana/ Folk feel to it with well crafted songs, wonderful musicianship and easy to listen to stories and you have to wonder why Mandy Woods isn’t more well known on the acoustic music scene. The up tempo One Trick Pony definitely takes on more of a Country Music sound and could easily be heard in any Bar or Honky Tonk in Nashville and even has a Yee Haa at the end to prove my point.

There are so many good songs on this album with Cactus Rose, Butterfly, Awesome Woman and Full Moon Over Vegas being particular highlights all telling what sound like personal real life experiences. Although all the songs feature vocals and guitar from Mandy there is some backing with the occasional steel guitar and in All That is Left to Cherish  beautiful violin accompaniment from Judith Hooper. Ain’t No G in Country is a great fun track with has more of a band feel than the other songs. The closing track Every Single Second is all about making the most of life whilst you can, which is a positive message as we all hopefully prepare to come out of Lockdown. This is a really enjoyable album that is perfect listening equally on a cold Winter’s night or on a Summer’s evening under the stars, highly recommended.

The album is available from Bandcamp 22nd February.

Graham Steel