50 Years of Music

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50 Years of Music (Part 15)

Liverpool Express– 13th October 1976 – Slough College. Tickets  £1.20

Liverpool Express were a 1970’s Pop band who had several hits and although this wasn’t the type of music I was into at that time I must have enjoyed them as went to see them again the following year. To be fair there were a number of Pop bands at that time who had commercial hits and live were a lot heavier and decent Rock bands, Sweet and Smokie were two and I am sure there were many more and my memory was this was the case with Liverpool Express.

Around that time I would listen to the radio a lot including Radio Luxembourg. John Peel, BBC Radio 1 and Radio Caroline which was a Pirate Radio Station. It is difficult to comprehend how much of a threat Pirate Stations were perceived at the time, especially when you see the number of online and independent Radio shows you see today. In all the time I listen to Pirate Radio I wasn’t aware of anything outrageous and controversial being said, the reason I listened was because of the music which was much more Rock orientated.

On one occasion I entered a postal competition which I heard on Radio Caroline to win tickets to see Liverpool Express, I was just a teenager at the time and never really been in any trouble to speak off, a few week’s later I had the letter I sent returned to me which had been opened and covered in official Government stamps stamp’s and I was terrified I was going to get in lots of trouble, looking back it seems ridiculous that I could have thought I would get in trouble for trying to win tickets to see Liverpool Express.

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